Spark AR Ads - The Future of Metaverse?
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Spark AR Ads - The Future of Metaverse?

Marketing has had to adapt over the past three decades to changes in technology and how we interact with it.

The telephone was created during the Sales Era, and the rise of television and the Marketing Department Era followed it quickly.

The first commercially available personal computers brought about possibly the biggest transformation in marketing history throughout the industry evolution of the Marketing Company Era.

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Video marketing is still something that people need to get used to at this time. However, just as in every business, advancements have already been made in the age of virtual reality and artificial reality.

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What are Spark AR ads

The Later Blog said

Spark AR Studio is an augmented reality platform for Mac & Windows that allows you to somewhat easily create AR effects for mobile cameras. Think of it like Photoshop or Sketch, but for AR

AR advertising is on the rise on social media nowadays. You can encounter AR ads on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

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Matt Roberts, the product manager for Spark AR stated in an article for Grapefruit

We think that’s a very big strike for the technology. When we talk to advertisers for brands–we’re running an advertising beta right now with AR on Facebook. You can see an ad in your news feed, open the camera, and preview a product there (...) things like glasses and makeup and other consumer goods, or brands in media and film.

This adaption gives any static advertisement we might see while scrolling around the internet a beautifully developed practical side. The creative options appear limitless, whether it's for product testing or just brand exposure.

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Our conclusion

Spark AR is a fantastic solution that will assist your business adverts to produce more conversions and impressions if you're thinking about stepping into the AR market.

You may decide the future of your ads by asking yourself the following three important questions about your company.

  1. Do I communicate with my customers? - Something naturally becomes more engaging and piques interest when it brings humor to the table.
  1. Can my audience continue to produce content? - Provide material for your audience as well when you deliver something. Something they can offer their friends.
  1. Am I making it simpler for them to choose? - Many consumers prefer a straightforward approach, even if it takes them longer to make their choice.

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